60 sweatshirts were printed with one of five words to describe each person. Students from Vejle Midtby School chose from a huge selection of word they’ve used to describe themselves, and ended up with the words Brave, Valuable, Helpful, Special, Gorgeous. 60 students and their teachers wore their sweatshirts at Spotlight Festival 2016 in the park, the City centre and the Art museum, where the five sweats where also presented. It’s a project about identity, appearance and the courage to show who you are.
Thank you so much to Mathias, Daniel, Almina, Dzesika, Rasmus N, Emilie, Camilla, Sofie, Naja, Lasse, Tobias, Meadaris, Hafsa, Vildan, Elvis, Emma, Janina, Anne Mette, Nikolaj, Rasmus S, Line, Victor, Lucas, Omars, Amina, Ahmad, Magnus, Søtte Dybdal, Spotlight Festival and all the other participants.